Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Great Escape

I have lost
my moorings.
like a large hot-air balloon
rising slowly on a cold morning 
off the dusty plains of Cappadocia
I rise, and abandon myself
to the winds of fate
a silence descends
as I ascend
all my attachments, relations, 
possessions, obsessions
left behind
powerless to stop my slow but steady climb
to altitudes yet unknown
they now seem 
to diminish in size
due to the exalted perspective of my
new position
I acknowledge
that I am rudderless
at the mercy of winds unknown
yet i am not scared
or anxious 
about my destination
I know that fate
has also lost the power 
to direct me towards doom
as i have , seemingly, 
wrested control
I rise 
higher and higher
towards infinity
my movement 
relatively infinitesmal
the reality of the ground
lost in the vastness of space
as distance slowly obscures it from view
The appreciation of 
as, below, the ashes of my mortality
scatter in the wind
my work is done
 I feel the cool wind on my cheek
the warmth of the sun rising
I am content
I am free
I am one.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Split second enlightenment......

...adrift , on the sea of life.....
we are on different oceans
driven by different tides and winds
from different ports
towards the same destination?

....a chance storm, jagged lightning strike
lights up the darkness
that separates us
i see you from another lifetime 
recognition ignites my being
sparks from the depth of my soul
...........did you see me too?

a destiny that may or may not be
till then, I love another -  equally
my two destinies, past and present
crush the breath from my lungs.....

and, breathless, i wait ...

for another chance
another lifetime.......

it doesn't really matter
all I want 
is recognition
a reminder of
our immortality......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Am I a victim
of circumstance?
helplessly drifting
on life's stormy seas
to my present unenviable state?


Am I a culprit
of all my indiscretions?
Is anyone truly
a master of their fate?

Should i therefore
be responsible for all that I did
and all that happened
to me?


Should i shift the onus onto
fickle fate
and absolve myself of
all guilt and responsibility?

Is this action true and good
or only directed towards
the preservation of vanity?
the last shreds
my stressed-out sanity?

Delusions of grandeur
illusions of control
marionettes jerking along
to the haphazard
ministrations of life
we live love hate
in peace war strife

I loved someone once
I know I still do
I don't really know
if she loves me any more

we built an edifice
seemingly for eternity
it teeters and totters today
on cornerstones of
deception and miscommunication
repressed angst causing

how did this all come to pass
was it all in vain
how did we substitute
all our passion for pain?

we pay the price for our follies
of present and past lives
sentient energy beings
fleshed out to feel the knives

shouldn't understanding
bring forgiveness and peace?
faith in our
finally tame the beast?

maybe time will dull
this ache inside
deaden all feeling
quieten the tide
maybe all was a lesson
that was meant to be learnt
spreading myself too thin
recipe for fingers burnt

I know
there's a message
in there somewhere
enshrouded in the darkness
of loneliness laid bare

I'll look for it
in the ashes later.....
right now, I can't
as I'm deafened
by the pounding inside
and constantly blinded
by the incessant
tears in my eyes

too jaded
to move on
I try not to fall apart
look inside for the magic
hidden deep inside my heart

Forget the hurt and abuse
push away the pettiness
and rise above
I huff and puff
trying to stoke
the embers
of a once magnificent love

My soul
laid bare to the elements
nothing left to hide
Culprit or victim?
Who will decide?